Tagged: india

Dhanyvaad, India

IMG_0559_2I should change the name of this blog to, “takes-too-long-to-gather-her-thoughts Hannah”. I arrived home from India almost three weeks ago and haven’t done much that’s considered “productive” (unless you’re like me and consider quality time with loved ones productivity). I’ve been meaning to write this post for some time to give myself some closure to my India trip. It’s necessary to recognize the great lessons that the people of this country have taught me during my two months in their homes.IMG_0684

During my India trip, I became deeply aware of something beautiful. I realized that God has given me gifts and that lately, I have been using the gifts that he has given me to the fullest that I know how to right now (maybe that will change in the future). I realized how difficult it would be more me to travel if I was, for example, allergic to peanuts. Although there are obviously difficulties (like me respraining/ twisting my ankle almost monthly), I am so thankful for the realization that right now, God has given me the privilege to travel. He’s opened up doors, provided me with means to go, introduced me to amazing people who have supported me financially/ spiritually/ emotionally, given me relatively good health, given me courage to go and I am beyond grateful. Somehow, the universe has answered me. I told it what I wanted and it assisted me along the way.

IMG_0474 Jim Carrey said “What we really want seems impossibly out of reach so we never dare to ask the universe for it. I’m the proof that you can ask the universe for it”Paolo Coelho says ““And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”” Somehow, things have worked out so far and I owe it all to some amazing people the universe brought my way. Thank you. *End overly emotional/ spiritual rant.*

Anyway, there were also aspects of India that were difficult to adapt to. Often times, my U.S. American mentality “just needed some dang privacy” and sometimes I really just wanted some toilet paper. However through these challenges, I feel that I developed a greater ability to adapt to my environment and contribute in some way to my community. I will take these lessons with me on the rest of my journey. I am also thankful to India for:

  • Funny stories (like the time the “rusty metal guy” “pierced” my nose in the dark)
  • Spirituality
  • Mera bhai ❤ and my best friend too
  • Simplicity
  • Peace
  • Meditation
  • Patience with the language barrier
  • Family
  • Hospitality
  • Fresh food

Thanks for reading my so very typical end of Hannah’s chapter thank you letter. India is a complex, beautiful, country full of interesting, helpful, hospitable people who taught me lots about the life that I want to lead. Gotta give them some love!

Thanks for somehow tolerating my emotional self. As always, much love!

Debo cambiar el nombre de este blog a “Hannah pasa tanto tiempo pensando y no escribiendo”. Llegue casi 3 semanas antes y no he hecho mucho de productividad (pero he hecho cosas mas importante como pasando mucho tiempo con mis amigos y familia). Quería escribir eso para agradecer India por muchas lecciones y cosas bonitas.

Aunque hay problemas siempre durante mis viajes, mas o menos me di cuenta que Dios me dio muchos regalos para que pueda hacer lo que hago. Estoy bien agradecida por lo que hace El para mi. El Universo ha hecho muchas cosas para mi durante mis transiciones y todo y me hace feliz. Paolo Coelho dice “cuando quieres algo, todo el universo conspira para que lo obtengas.” Eso si esta pasando conmigo y tengo que dar todo el gracia a la gente que el universo me dio durante todo.

Estoy bien agradecida por lo que aprendí en India. India me ensenó mucho de la vida y ya se que siempre lo voy a tener en mi corazón. Gracias India, Eres hermosa. Mucho amor ❤

My most peaceful adventure yet

Successfully completed a difficult, emotional, spiritual, rewarding ten day meditation journey. My Vipassana meditation course was phoneless, substanceless, talkingless but an adventure nonetheless. I truly learned a lot. Putting words to it is difficult really but I will try my best to do it justice.

So you can picture my daily routine here was our schedule:
·      4:00 am – wake up bell

·      4:30 – 6:30 am – meditation (in hall or residence)

·      6:30-8:00 am – breakfast and hot water for showers

·      8:00 – 9:00 am – group meditation in dhamma hall 

·      9:00 – 11:00 am – meditation (and meetings with teachers)

·      11:00 am – 1:00 pm – lunch and break

·      1:00 – 2:30 pm – meditation (in hall or residence)

·      2:30 – 3:30 pm – group meditation in dhamma hall 

·      3:30 – 5:00 pm – meditation (and meetings with teachers)

·      5:00 – 6:00 pm – tea break

·      6:00 – 7:00 pm – group meditation in dhamma hall

·      7:00 – 8:30 pm – discourse (guru speech)

·      8:30 – 9:00 pm – meditation

·      9:00 pm – bed time

I followed this schedule (almost) completely. Sometimes not gonna lie but my desire for sleep took over and I took some extra naps. The important sessions though (the ones in bold) I always attended. During this time, we were asked to sit completely still for one full hour (I’m still working on this -_-).


The first three days we focused only on our breath. There are many techniques of meditation but in this one, altering ones breath is a no no. We were asked to simply observe our breath. To Focus only on the area from our upper lip up to the nostrils (this is why I randomly know the word nostril in hindi hehe). Through this process, we make our minds sharper and more in tune with the sensations that are happening on our body all the time even if we aren’t paying attention. After this, we focus on the sensations on the rest of the body (from the top of the head to the tip of the toes). This is the actual practice of Vipassana and We did this for the remaining ten days. Through this process, if practiced properly (and a LOT :/ ) one will learn that sensations are always arising just to pass (this is dhamma/ nature). If one truly learns this, then he/ she will not develop craving or aversion toward sensations (no matter how pleasant or unpleasant) because he/she will always be aware that “this too will pass.” This is a very logical concept but the course goes beyond that. The ten day course taught us that only through experiencing this truth (by feeling the sensations and developing an ability to not react, aka Vipassana meditation) will we be able to remove all craving and aversion and therefore experience true happiness and radiate love. This is how I understand and explain the practice. Of course, every experience is different.

Soooo, the ten day course was peacefully extreme. There are things that I have politely chosen to not accept as my own. But there are many things that I learned and plan to apply to my life:

  • Have balance – this technique teaches that through the process, one should not develop any craving to any pleasant sensation experienced. That one should accept the sensation (for example delicious food, great company, etc.) as it is, understand that it too will pass and develop no craving or attachment to it. At least at this time in my life, I like emotions. I think partially life is about pleasure and passion and high highs and even low lows. Through this process however, I realized that my life could use a better balance in this area. I have a very passionate personality. Sometimes I go overboard yall and In the moment, I forget that many times my emotions are so temporary (whether high or low) so giving my self time to observe them is a good thing. Through my personal meditation journey, i hope to improve in this area.
  • Quiet my mind– my mind is so loud yall!. Especially those first two days, I spent so much time just realizing how crazy I am haha. I would be sitting there like “okay Hannah, focus on the breath” 2 minutes pass “yeah that was a good banana monkeys like bananas I like monkeys did Obama address the that issue yet Is my mom at work Who burped I can’t believe I’m in India My play set from kindergarten was BA Oh shoot I’m supposed to be meditating.” This was my reality-_- I didn’t realize how loud my mind is and how unfocused I can be. Through this, I realized that I could really use some more focus/ a quiet mind in my life.
  • Pay attention – focusing on my breath and other sensations on my body made me realize how much is happening around me that I’m not paying attention to. I’m not kidding – throughout the ten days I became aware of so many things. Particularly in the center. It was gorgeous. I watched butterflies and bees drinking from flowers, kids playin cricket in the mountains, stars become visible in the sky, chipmonks playing, a mouse eating, a lizard climbing (on the wall in my bathroom), birds chirping, a schoolgirl picking veggies from her family’s farm and so many more beautiful scenes imprinted in my heart. It was amazing. I think I could pay attention a little more to life and the little things. I don’t know what I’m missing out on.
  • Be aware – my meditation teacher (who I am forever grateful for) brought to my attention that during the daily speeches, I was moving a lot, shaking my leg, rocking back and forth, etc. just like my hyper self to do this junk. I realized that I do a lot of things that I’m not even aware of that I’m doing. I want to be aware of my actions as they do matter. Although shaking my leg may be harmless, what other actions do I do without being aware? This is another thing I plan to consider more.

My ten days in Igatpuri, India studying Vipassana meditation will never be forgotten. Leaving, I felt peaceful, happy and excited to spread love. Of course difficulties came (like leaving my passport at the meditation center -_-) and the real world hit me but my new lessons did shape my view of them.

I could write more and more about my experience butI won’t since I know this might be my least exciting post yet hehe. But really, I learned a lot, feel happy that I completed it and met some amazing people (once we were able to talk.) so I’m excited about it 🙂 I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to discover what this can do for me personally. I would encourage everyone to explore how they too can benefit from such things but of course, we all need to discover things for ourselves something I also became more aware of during my time.

To lighten the mood, let me tell you a few Funny things that happened too like my lizard bathroom friend (who when I discovered yelled happily, “awww habibi welcome to my home!”, talking to myself, dancing to motivate myself to go to meditation, etc.if there was a movie crew following me, it would be entertaining as H. Forreal yall 🙂

Thanks for listening. What do you guys think about it all? Kinda crazy no? Ever had an experience like this?

Much love and many thanks for the support. ❤


Ps- perdóname por no escribir en español está vez. Es bien difícil encontrar conexión. Voy a traducir todo cuando llegue en los Estados Unidos y tengo aceso a una computadora. Básicamente, me encanto meditación. Aprendí mucho sobre mi propia misma.

Los mando amor ❤


It would be difficult to explain in my own words how important friendship and hospitality have proven to be so far during my time. So I’ll let my new Indian friends quote it themselves:

“It’s all about my friends. With that love, everything is good.”

“Friends are oxygen in our lives.”

“Atithi Devo bhav” (Guests are like our Gods.)

“Friends and family first.”

“I love my friends. And look at how much they love me.”

“No thanks is necessary. It’s my duty as a friend.”

“Friend of Amol? Friend of us.”

“I have a friend who has a car. So basically I have a car.” (Probably my favorite)

These words don’t describe the depth of what I’m talking about completely. The actions are the best showcase. I came as a visitor and left as a friend and that term isn’t used lightly (as you can see). I’ve got a lot of love for my new Indian peeps. The connection that I have seen between them and their friends (including me now yay!) is unbeatable. There are no boundaries. And thank God for the opportunity to be a part of that.

I’m all about that unconditional love and these people’s ability to show and share it is teaching me so much. Thanks India for showing me that type of love in only 20 days. 🙂


Speaking of unconditional love, I have to give a special shoutout to mera bhai (my indian brother). You really have showed me your beautiful country in such an unforgettable way. You have shared family, friends, time, things and so much love. Not that I need to say it, but thanks hamesha. India will be forever in my heart thanks to what you have shared during this trip. Dil se re!

Take a look at the photos from my trip so far. I’ve been enjoying and learning a whole new deep definition of the meaning of friendship. Who said I shouldn’t come here? Yeah yall cray. :p hehe.

Also, did I mention what I’ll be doing for the next ten days? I’ll give you a hint. No phone, one meal a day, no reading/ writing, no speaking at all, just complete silence and solitude.. Mediation! Can’t wait for this. My mind could use lots of reflection time. I have a lot of growing to do yall 🙂

Of course, I’m missing all of you. Hope I’m able to give you each that “Indian type of friendship love” 🙂 I’ll be working on bringing this back home with me. Much love!














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The simple life

My time in India so far has been truly sundar (beautiful, Really, I think I’ve said that word a million times… maybe because it’s one of the only Hindi/Marathi words that I know) I’ve been thinking about the people as “humans in their most natural form”. Haha But really, it seems that the Indian people that I’ve met (it is a sin to say “Indian people” and disregard ALL of the wonderful diversity that this country has, so I apologize in advance for the generalization if I do that) are happy people in the most simple form I’ve seen. It doesn’t seem like there is much a need for big cars, formalities, fancy homes, tables and chairs, toilet seats (forreal!) to be happy. The people around them (and maybe some chai and rice) are sufficient for their happiness (and people are always around lol) I truly admire that about the people that I’ve met. I found myself sitting in a car packed with people on a long car ride to a temple in the mountains not understanding a single word (besides a few English ones and now “sundar” haha) thinking, “how can there be such a sense of happiness in the air?” But there really was and I’m so thankful that they’ve decided to share it with me. Of course, this is my experience from limited time in a smaller village outside of Mumbai (a very busy city). Let’s see the differences as I travel and see more of this beautiful place. Aside from these overly sentimental thoughts (I mean can you expect anything more from me at this point?) I have already seen and done so much like my first Indian-Muslim wedding, stray cows in the street, AN ELEPHANT, monkeys robbing baby’s bottles, a beautiful temple in the mountains, sugar cane farms, and so many other sundar sites. Check out my photos that will hopefully in some way complement the happiness that I’ve felt so far.

Mi tiempo en India hasta ahora ha estado sundar (lindo, y pienso que he dicho esta palabra muchas veces). He estado pensando en la gente como “humanos en su forma más natural”. Haha pero de verdad, me parece que la gente de India que he conocido (y es mal decir “la gente de India” porque hay mucha diversidad acá, por eso lo siento por la generalización) están felices en la forma más simple posible. Pienso que no es necesario tener coches grandes, formalidades, casa ricas, sillas del bano, para estar feliz. La gente alrededor (y tal vez un poco chai y arroz) son suficientes (y siempre hay gente alrededor jeje). Admiro eso mucho en la gente que he conocido. Estaba en un coche lleno de gente en un camino largo a un temple en las montañas entiendo ninguna palabra pensando “cómo es posible que hay tanta felicidad en el aire” pero realmente había y estoy agradecida que ellos han decido compartirlo conmigo. Claro, eso es mi experiencia con tiempo limitado en un pueblo pequeña afuera de Mumbai (una ciudad ocupada). Vamos a ver las diferencias cuando yo viaje a otros lugares y ver más de este lugar lindo. A parte de estos sentimientos tan emocionales (tienes expectaciones diferentes para MI? jaja) He visto y hecho mucho hasta ahora. Mira a mis fotos que ojala pueda mostrar la felicidad que he tenido acá.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my Detroit people, Egyptian people and especially my Ecuador people (where all my crazy culture passion has started). I’m forever grateful for each of you that I have met on the way and send all my love.

Ps – Wifi is limited (that’s part of the simple life I guess) so my posts will be brief 🙂 Much love!

He pensado mucho en mi gente de Detroit, mi gente de Egipcio, y especialmente mi gente de Ecuador (donde todo mi pasión loca para las culturas ha empezado). Siempre estoy agradecida para uds que he conocido en el camino y los mando todo mi amor.











I’m going to India y’all!

On Wednesday (Jan. 7) I’ll be flying out to the land of colors and smells (just made that up hehe). Got my visa (after some irrational “they’re not going to let me in because I was in North Africa and people think Ebola is everywhere in Africa” fear) and it’s official.

Here’s the itinerary –

SIKE! Y’all know me better than that. Here’s what I know: (and I promise to keep you posted as things happen)india-maharashtra-nashik-construction

  • I’ll be flying into Mumbai. The flight is 19 hours total in a plane (2 layover flights) My longest yet.
  • My bhai (Indian brother) Amol will be hosting me. He’s there until January 25 and I’m there until March 3 so I’ll be living with his parents. Him, some of his friends and I are gong to travel the country a little.
  • There’s a wedding on January 9th (and I’m invited woot woot!)
    How you like that cute face?
    How you like that cute face?
  • I’ll put an effort into learning Hindi (although India is beautifully diverse and has hundredsish languages, woah. I’m gonna be overwhelmed with language learning desires.)
  • I’ll be studying mediation at Vipassana International Academy. This means… wait for it… NO TALKING FOR 10 DAYS! Like none. Wow. What am I going to do? I imagine this will be a huge learning experience.
    Bhai 🙂
  • I love my Indian friends and am excited to feel more connected to them by seeing their home. (tu mera chamak challo <3)

India is the land of “sensory overload” (according to the people here who I know have visited before). The reaction I most commonly receive from people is “woah, India? That’s one place I’d never want to go to!” And y’all know me enough to know how that makes me feel. Like I wanna visit even more. No one with a negative opinion about a place has ever been one hundred percent correct about it in my book. Beauty is found EVERYWHERE. I truly believe that and am proven right everywhere I go.

I’m so excited to see what India has to teach me. I can only imagine. And now I don’t have to imagine it! I feel so blessed for the doors God has opened for me. The universe always watches out for me!

Thanks for the support everyone. Appreciate your thoughts and feedback! What do you all think?

As always, much love (piyar)!

Me voy a India!

Este miércoles (7 de Enero) me voy a viajar a “la tierra de colores y olores” Tengo mi visa (después de temores irracionales de “estaba en el norte de África y la gente piensa que Ebola esta en todas las partes de Africa por eso ellos no van a darme permiso”). Es oficial 🙂


Karam (an Indian game)

Aca es mi horario:

ES UNA BROMA! Ya tu sabes que no me gustan los horarios. Pero lo que se es:

  • Viajo a Mumbai. Mi vuelo es 19 horas total en un avión. Lo mas largo que he hecho.
  • Voy a vivir con mi “bhai” (Hermano en hindi) Amol y su familia. El esta alla hasta el 25 de Enero y estoy alla hasta 3 de Marzo pero me quedo con sus padres. Voy a viajar un poco en el país con el y sus amigos.
  • Hay una boda en el 9 de Enero (y estoy invitado!)
  • Voy a tratar de aprender Hindi aunque hay muchos idiomas (mas que cien!) en India. Voy a tener muchas ganas de aprender muchos idiomas.
  • Voy a estudiar meditación en Vipassana International Academy. Eso significa que… espérate… no puedo hablar por 10 dias! Wow. Que voy a hacer? Pienso que voy a aprender mucho.
  • Quiero mucho mis amigos de India y estoy emocionada sentir mas conectada con ellos y sus hogares y cultura.images-15

India es la tierra de muchos sensores para una persona de países del oeste (según mucha gente que lo han visitado). La reacción de mucha gente tiene es “woah, India? Es el lugar que nunca quiero visitar” Y ya tu sabes que eso me hace querer visitar mas. Nadie que piensa tan negativo en un lugar es totalmente correcto en mi opinión. Siempre hay belleza en cada lugar. Y cada lugar me ha demostrado esto.

Estoy bien emocionada ver lo que India va a ensenarme. Solamente puedo imaginar. Y ahora no tengo que imaginar! Puedo verlo con mis propios ojos. Me siento bendita por lo que me ha dado Dios. Siempre el universo me cuida! Gracias a todos por el apoyo. Siempre me hace feliz. Estoy agradecida también por tus comentarios! Que piensan uds?

Como siempre, mucho amor/piyar!
